Welcome to Jackson PTO

  • Your Help Makes A Difference!

    Welcome to the Jackson Avenue Elementary School PTO. PTO is the Parent-Teacher Organization for Jackson Avenue School and you are a member of PTO because you are a parent or guardian of a Jackson Avenue School student.

    We have no membership dues. Together, we work to enhance our children's school experience by volunteering our time for school events and by raising funds for field trips, assemblies, and educational supplies.

  • Join the Jackson PTO Facebook Group Today
    The Jackson Avenue PTO Facebook Group is a private community for parents of students of Jackson Avenue Elementary School.  By joining the group, you can:

    • Be a part of a community and get to know other parents
    • Share ideas, news, and events
    • Stay Informed of school events
    • Ask questions or get advice
    • Be involved in your child's school

      To Join, go to