Tardy Policy

Tardy Policy

  • The following information supercedes the existing tardy policy published in the student planner.  

    The Junction Avenue K-8 School tardy policy has been developed to emphasize the importance of each student being in the classroom for the entire period, as well as arriving on time to school every day. Learning the responsibility of getting to class on time is an integral part of Junction’s standard of excellence, which prepares students for success. In our school, instructional time is viewed as a precious resource. Consequently, we view chronic tardiness as a serious problem.

    Excused Tardies

    The California Department of Education has listed the following reasons as excusable:

    1. Court appointment
    2. Personal illness of student
    3. Death in the immediate family
    4. Quarantine
    5. Student has a doctor/dentist/professional appointment (A note or phone call from a parent or a professional note from doctor/dentist/professional will be required to verify)
    6. Religious holidays

    All other reasons are considered “unexcused,” including oversleeping, car trouble, traffic problems, etc.  Problems with tardiness to school may require adjustments in the family’s morning schedule.

    Middle School Consequences

    During each Trimester:

    • Tardy #1 & 2—No consequence.
    • Tardy #3—Afterschool detention and a letter sent home to parent.
    • Tardy #4 & 5—No consequence.
    • Tardy #6—Friday School (three-hour afterschool detention) [can be eliminated with a Parent/student/Administrator meeting].
    • More tardies will follow the cycle listed above.  For example, tardy #9 will result in a detention and tardy #12 will result in a Friday School.

    The administrators have the right to substitute an alternative disciplinary intervention for repeated offenders or any other circumstance.

    Thank you for your support in ensuring your child makes maximum use of class time and learns to be punctual. Beginning the day promptly is important and demonstrates a commitment to success.