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In this way, we look at literature through a lens that examines the individuals personal desires against the responsibilities, obligations and demands of society. The topics of growing up, prejudice, friendship, courage, good versus evil, survival of the individual and cultural diversity are explored. The course work emphasizes the development of analytical thinking skills, information gathering, and writing proficiency through the comparisons of literature, and with writing assignments of increased variety and complexity. CORE LITERATURE: The Crucible by Arthur Miller Catcher in the Rye by J. D. Salinger A selection of short stories The Road by Cormac McCarthy In addition to the core reading, we will read selected poetry, essays, and an outside read of your choosing. I strongly recommend that you purchase your own copy of any of the books we read. If you own your own book, you can write in it, highlight passages, underline and annotate it. Owning your own copy is very helpful when is comes time to writing an essay. Finally, having your own personal copy allows you to re-read it many times for pleasure; I know I have. MATERIALS REQUIRED: Students will need a three ring binder with dividers for the following categories: 1) Logs 2) Response to Literature 3) Vocabulary and Grammar 34 Journal Entries 4) Returned and Corrected Papers. College-ruled paper81/2 by 11 No spiral rip-outs. Bring your own paper! Blue or black ink pens, pencils, and a highlighter Transparent sticky notes LEARNING EXPECTATIONS: 1.) Respect others and yourself as a capable and responsible learner 2.) Come to class on time and prepared 3.) Participate in class by raising your, and waiting quietly to be called: do not blurt out! Listen when someone else is speaking. 4.) Do the work. Do not prevent others from doing the work. GRADES: Each assignment has a point value and points are earned in the following categories: Core Lit/Writing (80%) includes essays, tests, vocabulary, class work, quizzes, grammar, journals, speeches, oral presentations, daily assignments, enrichment projects, and homework. In-class Participation (20%) includes independent reading, reader responses, in-class participation and discussion. Grading Scale 100%-94%=A 86%-84%=B 76%-74%=C 66%-64%=D 93%-90%=A- 83%-80%=B- 73%-70%=C- 63%-60%=D- 89%-87%=B+ 79%-77%=C+ 69%-67%=D+ Below 60%=F Attendance is important; you must be in class to participate. Tardies and cuts negatively affect you grade since you cannot participate when you are not in class. POLICIES: Late work will be penalized and marked down twenty percent for one day late and 40 percent (40% =D-) for work turned in two days or more after the due date. No late work or make-up work from the first half of the trimester accepted after week 6 (Progress Report). No late work or make-up work from the second half of the trimester accepted after week 10, and, of course, I will not accept any late work from the first half of the trimester in the second half of the trimester! All written assignments that are a paragraph or more in length turned in for credit must be typed. CURRICULUM: The curriculum for this course is based upon the Common Core Standards for Language Arts. Two trimesters of English (11A and 11B) with a passing grade fulfills one year of the four-year English requirement for graduation. Course Goals Strategies and Procedures Reading and responding to grade-level materials including both fiction and non-fiction Use rubrics to evaluate writing Small group/class discussion of literature with an emphasis of evidence from the text, oral presentations Writing--Essay writing, Research paper, journals etc. Outside reading and reporting Written and Oral Language Conventions Vocabulary Common Core Standards: Standard Assessments READING: 1.1, 1.2, 1.4 weekly vocabulary list with (Word analysis and exercises, vocabulary development) quizzes 2.1, 2.2, 2.3, 2.4, 2.5 analyzing literature, (Reading comprehension) essays, poetry, speeches, and articles 3.1, 3.2, 3.3, 3.4, 3.5, 3.6, 3.7, essays, 3.8, 3.9 response, oral (Literary response & analysis) presentation WRITING: Strategies 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 1.4, 1.5, 1.6., 1.7, essays, research paper, 1.8. 1.9-12 annotated bibliographies Applications journal, power point 2.1, 2.2, 2.3, 2.4, 2.5, 2.6 presentation, graphics, WRITTEN AND ORAL LANGUAGE CONVENTIONS: 1.1, 1.2, 1.3 skills practice, conventions of grammar, punctuation, and spelling LISTENING AND SPEAKING: 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 1.4, 1.5, 1.6 class discussions, oral presentations 2.1, 2.2, 2.3, 2.4 Readers Theater, debate recitation of poetry and or soliloquies, multi-media presentation Signature Page (Detach, sign and return) After carefully reviewing the syllabus, please return this signature page. By signing, you are declaring that you have read and understand the policies, procedures and requirements of this class. We have read and the contents of this Syllabus for English 11B, and understand that these polices will remain enforced for the trimester. Further, we understand that there are classroom policies and procedures that exist and conveyed to the students in class. _______________________ ______________________ Parent name (please print) Student name (please print) _______________________ _______________________ Parent signature Student signature Date________________________ Parents Daytime Phone Number: ______________________________________ Parents Email Address: ____________________________________________ Comments: Signed syllabus due: __________________ 4BCNOP`jkl衔}oeoVoLB8h4 CJOJQJh NCJOJQJh8@CJOJQJh4hJ00JCJOJQJhJ0CJOJQJjhJ0CJOJQJUhmCJOJQJhm5CJOJQJ\h-45CJOJQJ\h4 5CJOJQJ\"h-4h-45CJOJQJ\aJh8@hwCJOJQJ\aJhI&CJOJQJ\aJh8@5OJQJ\h-45OJQJ\hm5CJOJQJ\OP`l, - M N j k | } lo^gd?.'gdQ)$a$gd N$a$$a$gdw  + - 7 8 @ M N X Y { ` d  8 ʶʬޢ޶{{qʢޢghI&CJOJQJhQ)CJOJQJhm5CJOJQJ\h-45CJOJQJ\hQ)5CJOJQJ\h{CJOJQJh NCJOJQJh dCJOJQJhJ0CJOJQJhmCJOJQJh?.'CJOJQJh4 CJOJQJhm5OJQJ\h Nh NCJOJQJ(8 : B X b c g y z   ' J i j | } ~ ⺰⣖~peX~eMhwpCJOJQJ]hx 6CJOJQJ]hQ)CJOJQJ]h-4hQ)CJOJQJ]h-4CJOJQJ]h-46CJOJQJ]hd#5CJOJQJ\hQ)5CJOJQJ\hQ)CJOJQJh4 CJOJQJh NCJOJQJhwCJOJQJhZ_CJOJQJhmCJOJQJhI&CJOJQJh{CJOJQJ >k!Ab?Ƹwm`S`IhgCJOJQJhw5CJOJQJ\hQ)5CJOJQJ\hrjCJOJQJhQ)6CJOJQJ]hd#CJOJQJhQ)CJOJQJhJ0CJOJQJh-4CJOJQJ]hQ)CJOJQJ]h4h4CJOJQJ]h4CJOJQJ]h46CJOJQJ]hwpCJOJQJ]hMMCJOJQJ]h?.'CJOJQJ]-FGHI`a_+,HL$If ^`` & F gdQ)gdQ) -FHIb$?C^_hm}+,5HķijĩĩĕķāāwmķhAXCJOJQJh{CJOJQJhxPCJOJQJh$=CJOJQJhI&CJOJQJhJ0CJOJQJhZ_CJOJQJhmhm5CJOJQJ\hmCJOJQJhd#CJOJQJhrjCJOJQJhMMCJOJQJhQ)CJOJQJhgCJOJQJ*./0~#$0zgd$= & Fp^pgd5 & Fgd5bkd$$Ifl064 lal$IfH./ 3:DTai{~ugYgNg *hZ_CJOJQJ *h5hT2rCJOJQJ *h5h4CJOJQJhT2rh4CJOJQJhT2rCJOJQJhT2rhx CJOJQJhT2rhd#CJOJQJhT2rhxPCJOJQJhT2rhAXCJOJQJhT2rhmCJOJQJhd#CJOJQJhm5CJOJQJ\hQ)CJOJQJhmOJQJhmCJOJQJ5<C!"#$1ɿ⦖zlzaSF9h$=5CJOJQJ\hxP5CJOJQJ\hrjhxP5CJOJQJhT2r5CJOJQJhrjhQ)5CJOJQJhrjhd#5CJOJQJhrjhAX5CJOJQJ *hZ_hZ_5CJOJQJ *hZ_CJOJQJ *h5hT2rCJOJQJhT2rCJOJQJ *h5h5CJOJQJ *h4CJOJQJ *h5h4CJOJQJ *hZ_h45CJOJQJ01 ;uTr^gd$=h^hgd$=8^8gdZ_ $ ^$ `gd$=$ ^$ gd$= & Fgd$= & Fgd$=gd$=1 6DST)-JO\dcij|'CEWXȽhZ_CJ,OJQJaJ,h)rCJOJQJh$=6CJOJQJ]h$=OJQJh$=5CJOJQJ\h$=>*CJOJQJhrjCJOJQJh OAhZ_CJOJQJhZ_CJOJQJh OAh$=CJOJQJh$=CJOJQJ2Jpq[ -cp^pgd$=@ ^@ gd$= ^`gd$=gd$= 8^8`gdZ_ ^`gd$= & Fgd$=`gd$=cj'Xk$a$gd)r^gd)r^^gd$=^gd$= ^ gd$= & Fgd$=gd$=789Z\fg  f o p ! !!!"!3!4!@!ѻѧѱѧѱѧѓѱѧѱчxlx`xh)rCJOJQJaJhZ_CJOJQJaJhoAh)rCJOJQJaJh-=CJOJQJaJhH%CJOJQJh4CJOJQJhI&CJOJQJhZ_CJOJQJh ?CJOJQJh4CJ,OJQJaJ,h)rCJOJQJhc1CJOJQJh)rCJ,OJQJaJ,hJ7h)rCJ,OJQJaJ,%\ !R!S!T!!!!!!!&dP^gd)r^gd)r &dPgd)rgd)r@!A!S!!!!l"s"""´hH%CJOJQJhI&hH%5CJOJQJhH%CJOJQJaJhAh)rOJQJaJh)rCJOJQJhoAh)rCJOJQJaJh)rCJOJQJaJ !!!""""_"`"a"b"l"m"n"o"p"q"r"s"""`gdH%^&dP^gd)r,1h/ =!"#=$h% ~$$Ifl!vh#v:V l0654als2 0@P`p2( 0@P`p 0@P`p 0@P`p 0@P`p 0@P`p 0@P`p8XV~8XV~ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@_HmH nH sH tH @`@ NormalCJ_HaJmH sH tH NN  Heading 1$0@&^05CJOJQJ\NN  Heading 2$0@&`05CJOJQJ\DA D Default Paragraph FontVi@V  Table Normal :V 44 la (k (No List 8>8 Title$a$ CJ,OJQJ8J@8 Subtitle CJOJQJFBF Body Text$a$5CJ`OJQJ\6U`!6 Hyperlink >*B*phFV 1F FollowedHyperlink >*B* phB/AB )r Subtitle CharCJOJQJaJPK![Content_Types].xmlN0EH-J@%ǎǢ|ș$زULTB l,3;rØJB+$G]7O٭Vc:E3v@P~Ds |w< H8 H1@!" 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