Green Engineering Academy

About the Academy

  • The Green Engineering Academy (GEA) is a California Partnership Academy, which incorporates integrated academic and career technical education, business partnerships, mentoring, and internships.

Career Focus

  • The academy’s career focus is to prepare students for engineering careers as well as other technical fields. Students learn to use engineering and architecture software and tools. They are prepared for 2-year and 4-year college degrees or apprenticeship programs.


    • Teachers and students stay together, building a supportive atmosphere
    • Hands-on engineering projects
    • Field trips and guest speakers
    • Academic support and tutoring program
    • Industry partnerships with mentors and internship opportunities
    • Students learn skills needed in the workforce


    • All courses are college preparatory courses and are UC/CSU approved
    • Academic courses integrate the themes of green technology, sustainability, and environmental issues
    • CTE courses use the Project Lead the Way (PLTW) engineering curriculum to prepare students for careers in engineering, architecture, and related technical fields

GEA Course Sequence

  • Each year of high school, GEA students enroll in courses with members of their cohort in Science, Math, English, Social Science, and Career Technical Education. In addition, students supplement these core courses by taking any of the electives taught at 澳门最快开奖直播 High School. For example, students can take courses in Visual & Performing Arts and in World Languages, outside of their GEA cohort.

    Students have room for 5 additional, non-GEA semester courses in their schedules each academic year.

    Core 9th Grade Courses:

    • Biology, Life Science, or elective
    • Algebra 1 with Computing & Robotics (or higher math)
    • English 9 (regular or honors)
    • Social Science 9 (regular or honors)
    • PLTW Introduction to Engineering Design

    Core 10th Grade Courses:

    • Engineering Physics
    • Geometry with Python
    • English 10 (regular or honors)
    • World History (or AP)
    • PLTW Principles of Engineering Honors

    Core 11th Grade Courses:

    • Chemistry
    • Algebra 2
    • English 11 (regular or AP)
    • US History (regular or AP)
    • PLTW Civil Engineering & Architecture Honors

    Core 12th Grade Courses:

    • AP Environmental Science
    • Precalculus or Statistics
    • English 12 (or AP)
    • Economics/Civics (or AP)
    • PLTW Capstone (H)
  • GEA logo

GEA students working on a project
GEA students in San Francisco
GEA students working on a project