Dolphin Pride

Dolphin Pride Award

  • East Avenue Dolphins, 

    We want YOU to get involved and to make East Avenue a better school. To do that, you need to put yourself out there- in other words, get involved! Join a club, join a sports team, play a musical instrument, get As and Bs, start a club, or perform community service. 

    Every time you get 75 Dolphin points, fill out the link below and get a Dolphin Pride prize! Plus, during 8th grade promotion, students will be recognized for each year in which they earned a Dolphin Pride award. Students who get a Dolphin Pride award each year at East Avenue will be recognized as a Delphinus Stella ('Dolphin Star' in Latin). 

    Use this to apply for your Dolphin Pride award. 

    Goooooooo Dolphins!