• Dear Parents, and Students,


    These are strange times, but I want to assure you that I am here for you, and my students. If you have internet access, I will be posting in Google Classroom some assignments to keep everyone learning. I am available anytime to help your child understand the work, and to be able to complete the assignments. Your child will have work posted by their other teachers as well. I want to let you know that I am here to help. If there are any questions, please feel free to email me. I will be checking my email several times a day, and I am here to help your child succeed in these uncertain times. 

    Please have your child log in to their Google account, and look for 5th, or 7th grade Resource. That is where I will post the assignments.


    Stay healthy, and stay safe!


    Yours in Education,


    Alison McCallister

    Resource Specialist

    Junction K-8 School


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