
SB 277

  • Notice to Parents or Guardians of Students with Vaccine Exemptions

    Under SB 277, beginning January 1, 2016, exemptions based on personal beliefs will no longer be an option for the vaccines that are currently required for entry into child care or school in California. Personal beliefs exemptions on file for a child already attending child care or school will remain valid until the child reaches the next immunization checkpoint at kindergarten (including transitional kindergarten) or 7th grade. Your child will be required to have at least one current dose of each required vaccine to be eligible for a conditional entrance. This conditional entrance will have ongoing checkpoints for each subsequent dose that is due. If we do not receive proof of subsequent doses by the due date(s), children will be excluded from school.

    For more information about SB 277, please see the . For more information about school immunization requirements and resources, please visit the page on the  or .

    Thank you for helping us to keep our children and community healthy.

Required Immunizations

  • California schools are required to check immunization records for all new student admissions at TK/Kindergarten through 12th grade and all students advancing to 7th grade before entry. Please click the links below or visit for more information on the required immunizations.

    Information on Required Immunizations for Enrollment

    Immunization Requirements for TK-12th Grade
    Immunization Requirements for TK-12th Grade - Spanish

    Information on 7th Grade Tdap Booster - Required for ALL Incoming 7th Graders

    Whooping cough (Pertussis) has been widespread in California since 2010. Assembly Bill 354, chaptered into California law, now requires students to be immunized with an important booster against pertussis.All students entering 7th grade will need proof of a Tdap booster shot before starting school.
    This requirement:

    • Began July 1, 2011
    • Applies to all public and private schools
    • States that if a student has received a dose of Tdap on or after the 7th birthday, the student will meet the school immunization requirement.

    These requirements apply to all incoming 7th grade students in California. Please make an appointment early with your child’s health care provider to get this important booster. If your student has already met this immunization requirement, remember to provide a copy of the yellow immunization card or other written proof of immunization to the school’s health office as soon as possible. Otherwise, please make arrangements for your child to have the Tdap booster vaccine as soon as possible to ensure compliance at the start of the new school year.  Please be advised that a physician’s note will be required for all medical exemptions. By law, students who do not have proof of receiving a Tdap booster shot will not be able to start school in the fall until proof is provided.