Child Welfare

  • Caregivers

    Non-parent Caregivers Needing Enrollment and Medical Authorization

    A completed Caregivers Authorization Affidavit is required by the California Family Code in order to enroll a minor in school and authorize school-related medical care when a person other than a child's parent must take on these responsibilities.
    Caregivers Authorization Affidavit Form

  • Shared Residence

    Parents and Children Sharing a Residence With Another Adult

    A Shared Residence Affidavit is required when you reside in a place in which your name does not appear on the deed, lease, or rental agreement or other official documentation.  The affidavit is used only to assure the District that you reside within the attendance area of the 澳门最快开奖直播 and/or the school attendance area in which you wish to enroll.
    Shared Residence Affidavit Form
    Shared Residence Affidavit Form- Spanish